Full name: Prof. Dr. Endang Ekowarni
Email: ekowarni[at]ugm.ac.id
Homepage: http://e-ekowarni-psy.staff.ugm.ac.id
Educational Background
Doctor, Psychology, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Thesis: Aspects of Children’s Cognitive Development In concrete Operational Period
Undergraduate, Psychology, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Teaching Field
Research interests
Child protection
Ekowarni, Endang, the Convention on Rights of the Child: A Fotamorgana for Indonesian Children ?, PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN IX Issue No. 2, December 2nd, 2001, pp. 48-53
Ekowarni, Endang, the Convention on Rights of the Child: A Fotamoryana for Indonesian Children ?, PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN Year IX Issue No. 2, December 1st, 2001, pp. 48-53
Selected Publication:
Parenting flan Educating Children With Developing Diverse Intelligence, One Day Seminar in order Hll F V Panti Nugroho, Panti Nugroho, Yogyakarta, May 9th 2004
Ekowarni, Endang, holy R., Stage of Cognitive Development Piaget pads Concept Mastery IPA Grade VI Elementary School, SCIENCE EDUCATION: Journal of Theory and Practice of Educational Studies, vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 160-169, 2004