Full Name:
Dr. Budi Andayani, M.A., Psikolog
- S1 Universitas Gadjah Mada
- S2 La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
- S3 Universitas Gunadarma
Social Relations, Psychology of Education
Psychology of Family and Marriage, Education of Communication
Prayitno, H. A., & Andayani, B. (2023). The Relationship Between Peer Social Support and Academic Stress Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: [Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya dan Stres Akademik Mahasiswa Selama Pandemi COVID-19]. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 38(1), 86-104. https://doi.org/10.24123/aipj.v38i1.4711
Utomo, R. C., & Andayani, B. (2023). The role of academic self-efficacy and school well-being on adjustment of first year university student. Psychological Research and Intervention, 6(1), 18-25.
Pedro, H., Koentjoro, Meiyanto, S., & Andayani, B. (2021). Transformation of women’s leadership through producing natural-dyed hand-woven fabrics (ethnographic study on Palue weavers). Gaceta Sanitaria, 35, S554–S557. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2021.07.032
Utami, T. R., & Andayani, B. (2021). Mentari’s guide validation as a guidelines in teaching bath skills for tunagrahita children. Journal of Psychology and Instruction, 4(3), 98–106. https://doi.org/10.23887/jpai.v4i3.33706
Trisnadi, M., & Andayani, B. (2021). Program Pengasuhan Positif Dengan Co-parenting Untuk Menurunkan Penerapan Pengasuhan Disfungsional. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 7(1), 74-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajpp.65280
Sari, M., & Andayani, B. (2021). Efektivitas Pengasuhan Positif untuk Menurunkan Stres Pengasuhan Ibu Bekerja dengan Anak Usia Prasekolah. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 7(2), 174-188. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajpp.68877
Saragih, A., & Andayani, B. (2019). Buku Panduan Aman untuk Mengajarkan Keterampilan Bina Diri Berpakaian pada Anak Tunagrahita. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 5(2), 173-184. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajpp.49957
Nabila, A., & Andayani, B. (2019). Keterlibatan Pengasuhan Orang tua Laki-Laki dan Efikasi Menjadi Ayah yang Empatik. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 5(1), 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajop.47959
Setiani, P., & Andayani, B. (2018). Validasi Modul CARE dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Emosional Guru Sekolah Dasar Inklusi. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 4(1), 87-101. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajpp.45674
Agustini, N., & Andayani, B. (2017). Validasi Modul “Cakap” untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Sosial Mahasiswa Baru Asal Bali. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 3(1), 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajpp.42775
Permatasari, T., & Andayani, B. (2016). Empathic Love Therapy untuk Menurunkan Pikiran dan Perilaku Self Injury. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 2(3), 173-185. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajpp.41767
Hayati, I., & Andayani, B. (2016). Pelatihan Kebersyukuran untuk Meningkatkan Sense of School Belonging Siswa SMP. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 2(3), 130-141. http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/gamajpp.41760
Karnawati, D., Fathani, T. F., Ignatius, S., Andayani, B., Legono, D., & Burton, P. W. (2011). Landslide hazard and community-based risk reduction effort in Karanganyar and the surrounding area, central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Mountain Science, 8(2), 149–153. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-011-2107-6