Faculty at a Glance

Founded on January 8, 1965, the Faculty of Psychology at Gadjah Mada University is recognized as one of the leading psychology programs in Indonesia. As a higher education institution, the Faculty of Psychology has been responsive to demands to improve its quality. As the world becomes more global, the faculty welcomes the challenges of globalization by aligning vision, mission and strategy with the demands of the global market.

The Faculty positions itself as taking responsibility for producing high-quality professionals in the field of psychology. This faculty offers a Psychology Study Program which aims to produce scientists in the field of psychology as well as practicing professionals, decision makers, public figures and managers in the related fields of psychology.

Through curricular and extracurricular activities, the Psychology Study Program is also designed to produce graduates with creative and analytical competencies as well as a caring disposition, with an emphasis on lifelong educational awareness and professional growth. Graduates from the Faculty of Psychology are also expected to have strong views in incorporating local wisdom into their professional lives. By expanding the network and benchmarking initiatives at the local, national and international levels, the faculty has fulfilled this responsibility. The Faculty is currently recognized as one of the top choices for higher education.


To be a pioneer of a national psychology faculty that is unique and innovative, as a science hub that leads the advancement of behavioral science, serves the interests of the nation, focuses on mental health and community harmony, which is imbued with cultural values ​​based on Pancasila.


  • Organizing higher education that produces graduates from undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs who are competent in the field of psychology, have honest, tough, independent, creative and dignified characters.
  • Carry out inter, multi, and transdisciplinary research that is able to provide an in-depth understanding of Indonesian people, society, and the nation, as well as human behavior in general.
  • Carrying out research to develop methods, procedures and instruments of applied psychology that can become a means of solving problems and improving the quality of life of the Indonesian people and nation, as well as human beings in general, as a manifestation of the positive benefits of applying psychology knowledge and profession for academics and the Indonesian nation.


E-mail: fpsi[at]ugm.ac.id

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/PsychologyUGM

Tel: +62 274 550435 (Hunting) | Fax: +62 274 550435 ext 158

VoIP: +62 274 649 1128


Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jalan Sosio Humaniora Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281